EA Sports FC Mobile 24: Icon Journeys (Zidane) is here! Play through the career of one of football’s best-ever players and earn different versions of Icon Zinedine Zidane.

Table of Contents
Elite Chapter
Zidane debuted in Ligue 1 in 1989, where he showed great flair. Two goals in his first national match also signaled his rising on the international stage.

One Time
Node | Type | Reward |
1 | Elite | 82 OVR CAM Zidane 1 Zidane Token |
2 | Skill Game | 5 Icon Journey Tokens |
3 | Skill Game | 5 Icon Journey Tokens |
4 | Match | 5 Icon Journey Tokens |
5 | Career Rewards | 500 Gems |
6 | Match | 10 Icon Journey Tokens |
7 | Match | 10 Icon Journey Tokens |
8 | Match | 10 Icon Journey Tokens |
9 | Career Rewards | 1,500 Gems |
10 | Match | 20 Icon Journey Tokens |
Node | Type | Reward |
1 | Daily Rewards | 10 Icon Journey Tokens |
2 | Match | 40 Icon Journey Tokens 2x 65-79 OVR Players 82 OVR CAM Zidane (Chance) |
Collect 300 Icon Journey Tokens to unlock the next chapter (Master).
Master Chapter
After joining Juventus, Zidane was the key player for winning 2 league titles. In 1998, Zidane hit his prime with a World Cup title and Ballon d’Or.

Requirement | Reward |
Zidane Token 1 75 Icon Journey Tokens | 85 OVR CAM Zidane Zidane Token 2 |
One Time
Node | Type | Reward |
1 | Match | 20 Icon Journey Tokens |
2 | Match | 20 Icon Journey Tokens |
3 | Match | 40 Icon Journey Tokens |
4 | Career Rewards | 1,500 Gems |
5 | Match | 30 Icon Journey Tokens |
6 | Match | 30 Icon Journey Tokens |
7 | Match | 60 Icon Journey Tokens |
8 | Career Rewards | 2,500 Gems |
9 | Match | 40 Icon Journey Tokens |
10 | Match | 40 Icon Journey Tokens |
11 | Match | 60 Icon Journey Tokens |
12 | Career Rewards | 2,500 Gems |
Node | Type | Reward |
1 | Daily Rewards | 30 Icon Journey Tokens |
2 | Match | 120 Icon Journey Tokens 65-84 OVR Player 85 OVR CAM Zidane (Chance) |
Collect 1,300 Icon Journey Tokens to unlock the next chapter (Legendary).
Legendary Chapter
Zidane joined Real Madrid in 2001 for a record fee. As a Real Madrid legend, his volley in the 2002 Champions League final is forever remembered.

Requirement | Reward |
Zidane Token 2 550 Icon Journey Tokens | 88 OVR CAM Zidane Zidane Token 3 |
One Time
Node | Type | Reward |
1 | Match | 40 Icon Journey Tokens |
2 | Match | 40 Icon Journey Tokens |
3 | Match | 60 Icon Journey Tokens |
4 | Career Rewards | 2,500 Gems |
5 | Match | 50 Icon Journey Tokens |
6 | Match | 50 Icon Journey Tokens |
7 | Match | 70 Icon Journey Tokens |
8 | Career Rewards | 4,000 Gems |
9 | Match | 60 Icon Journey Tokens |
10 | Match | 60 Icon Journey Tokens |
11 | Match | 80 Icon Journey Tokens |
12 | Career Rewards | 4,000 Gems |
Node | Type | Reward |
1 | Daily Rewards | 50 Icon Journey Tokens |
2 | Match | 150 Icon Journey Tokens 70-89 OVR Player 88 OVR CAM Zidane (Chance) |
Exchange (92 OVR CAM Zidane)

Requirement | Reward |
Zidane Token 3 4,500 Icon Journey Tokens | 92 OVR CAM Zidane |
Math & Calculation
Day | Icon Journey Token | Icon Journey Token (Accumulative) |
1 | 115 | 115 |
2 | 50 | 165 |
3 | 50 | 215 |
4 | 50 | 265 |
5 (Master Unlocked) | 50 | 315 |
6 | 50 | 365 |
7 (85 CAM Zidane Claimed) | 50 + 490 | 905 |
8 | 200 | 1105 |
9 | 200 | 1305 |
10 | 200 | 1505 |
11 (Legendary Unlocked) | 200 | 1705 |
12 | 200 | 1905 |
13 | 200 | 2105 |
14 (88 CAM Zidane Claimed) | 200 + 710 | 3015 |
15 | 400 | 3415 |
16 | 400 | 3815 |
17 | 400 | 4215 |
18 | 400 | 4615 |
19 | 400 | 5015 |
20 | 400 | 5415 |
21 | 400 | 5815 |
22 | 400 | 6215 |
23 | 400 | 6615 |
24 (92 CAM Zidane Claimed) | 400 | 7015 |
Hall of Fame

Me says
How does ranking work with this Zidane?
I got an extra zidane 82 in the quest package, should i rank him up before conversion? also should i use tokens on this zidane while he’s below 89?
Basically will he carry over ranks and does it make sense to push this guy or rather use the tokens on other strong 89 players?
Roger says
I have completed the Zidane icon journey what is next?
admin says
Then it’s done. There’s no update for Icon Journey at the moment.
Saife says
It’s been almost 2 months, why this event is still here?? EA please add some events frequently, this game is getting boring.
Ray says
Waiting on more events!!! Any other icon journey???
Sameer says
When does this end ? It’s so boring
Fans Zizaou says
Saya sudah mendapatkan Zidane. Tapi saat bermain, kenapa saat Zidane memegang bola/ menerima Bola, dia dipanggil dengan nama “Roy Keane” oleh komentator? padahal saya tidak memainkan atau memiliki pemain bernama “Roy Keane” bahkan pemain lawan pun tidak ada yang bernama “Roy Keane”. Yang jadi pertanyaan saya, 1.kenapa itu bisa terjadi, apakah bisa diperbaiki?
2.Apakah Skill dan cara bermain nya sama dengam “Roy Keane”?
3.Itu membuat imajinasi bermain saya terganggu merasa kecewa, apakah ini diskriminasi??
Ayolah EA Sport kalian Perusahaan besar. Hal detail seperti ini mudah untuk kalian memperbaikinya
jsu13 says
I have completed all of the challenges for the Nation to get Puyol. When i click on the exchange icon, it just bugs out. If i click it enough, an empty player transfer icon shows up. It says I need 3 spanish players 80+ overall. I have them but whether or not they are in my lineup, this bug persists. Any help on this?
Kloe says
Juara fifa mode manager tidak dapat menyelesaikan misi juara fifa perjalanan ikon?
Gene says
Im at Match 5 for League. Min 3 90 OVR Premier League players. Is it base OVR 90? I have 3 OVR 89 Premier League players whom I ranked up to OVR 90 and can’t still can’t play the match. Please advise? Thanks!
admin says
Yes, it’s base OVR, not trained ones.
foxy7002b says
Ndlovu says
Why did you make Atletico club Bilbao hard can you guys make a little easier because I tried 100 times to beat that team
Godspower Itepu says
Joker says
Same here😕
Arvin says
exactly, the hardest one is that … I passed it after 1 week trying 24 hours , the 2 next match is very easy if you pass Atletico club Bilbao you will win casillas
. says
joga com calma q vai
omar fuad farok says
i cant start the training skill first level why ?
Obizzy says
I have all 11 premier league players but it won’t bring out an option to play and I’m unable to play the team icon journey too. I have completed the nation icon journey and I have all 95 ovr premier league players but it won’t let me play the next stage on the league icon
Adam says
How do you beat the 120-130 ovr teams. They have so much quality. Is there a specific way you have to play
pete igoboom says
U can throw in some elite sub players right away. It looks like they only allow 3 subs, so I’ve put in 2 ST and 1 CAM and I can at least score some goals. But I still have yet to win because I can’t stop them from tracking on extra goals. But it does help. Good Luck.
ifaj says
you are sure that it will be atletico madrid player neded in team
Shakir says
For how much time this event will last
admin says
Until the end of the season I guess
R777 says
Fix those last 3 games to unlock Casillas, those guys are just unbeatable with any team, it’s impossible to beat them after hundreds of tries, I’m literally close to deleting the game coz of this
Arifin Sami says
I have a 92 OVR TOTW player Garath Bale…I can sell it in the market for 5.5 million and buy three 91 OVR Normal players with that money….so isnt it worth it selling this TOTW card ?
Or does this TOTW cards have some special powers ?
Uche says
How can I get money to buy players in FIFA 22.
Shndy says
Apakah icon Casillas tim Real Madrid atau Atletico Madrid?
Apakah saya harus membeli pemain Atletico Madrid atau real Madrid?
admin says
Berdasarkan leaks sih seharusnya Atletico..
FURLAN11 says
Cranky_09 says
atletico madrid
David says
I can play the league when I finish nation?
admin says
Yes, you can.
Armand says
Do you think is early to buy Atlético de Madrid players? I’m confused because casillas is real Madrid. Anyway I trust in the page.
admin says
I think it’s too early
Kevin says
Hey, in the “team” journey, can i use prime icons like zanetti and klose? Because they have free club links
admin says
No. that is just chemistry, not their real club.
Reggie says
Bro last chapter should be Real madrid players not Atletico because Casillas play for Real madrid and if we finish the quest in main page we can receive Torres for free no need to exchange anything
admin says
If so, buy Real Madrid players from now on while they are still cheap.
Reggie says
It’s about torres, not casillas. Casillas is only a reward. So the nation, league and club is about torres, he is spanish, he played at PL, and played for atletico
Marsh says
If it was about torres, then league would have been LaLiga, because thats the final and main team he played for. Fifa works in a way where the team of the icon is the one where he was prime. If you dont believe me, check out casillas, he played his last 5 yrs in porto, but his card is of RM, because that was his iconic period. It should be Real Madrid squad.
admin says
Yes, I am wrong, you are right, and you are very smart. Now go buy all the Real Madrid players so that later you can sell them at a high price and become rich.
Jonathan says
Ok, from my understanding from the last 2 chapters, the final reward is related to the team we had to build (eg. Spanish players and Puyol, Premier league and Gerrard). And since the final reward of the ‘Team’ chapter is Casillas, and in the game his assigned team is Real Madrid, shouldn’t the team we’re building be Real Madrid? I’m sure Torres and Atletico isn’t related, since he’s a free reward for us to claim by completing the quests. So in my opinion, Real Madrid is the team we should build for the final chapter in a few days
Ewa Drerrie says
Would it be smart to buy Atletic players for Casillas?
Is it also confirmed that you have to need Atletic Players?
admin says
I think it’s too early to buy now. It wasn’t confirmed but it was a leak from the most trusted source in FIFA Mobile community.
Fedyy says
If its about ferrnardo toress it should be la liga players like atletico players for casillas im so confused i bought bunch 80 85 86 90 epl players now i think its la liga
admin says
Fernando Torres has also played in the Premier League (Liverpool and Chelsea)
Bart says
Hi, I have this question because this is my first season of FM – will the requirements in Icon Journeys Event League be the same as for Nation? You know, 2-3-4-5 players form PL and 3×80 Exchange?
admin says
We don’t know yet.
Amjed says
Can I use 3 cards of same player in the exchange for puyol ?
admin says
Hady says
When will this event (iconic journey )will end ….the date of its end …will it be in the game till 2023 or it will end before that
admin says
Looks like until the season is over, and no one knows for sure when the season is over.
Tamim says
When will we found a new icon in nation aftet achieving carlos puyol??
admin says
You can check the countdown days under Nation tab.
Slim says
What did I need to do to play min .82 OVR team with 2 Spanish players in icon Journeys cause it been a month now and I haven’t play it yet please guide me one what to do
admin says
You have to include 2 Spanish players in your squad
Coldshot says
So it would be a smart move to start buying a bunch Atl Madrid players? 🙂
admin says
Too early for now.
Ani says
So if Casillas is Real Madrid then why is it atletico madrid players required? Will it not be RMA players since he belongs to that team?
admin says
I think it’s about Fernando Torres.
KillBill says
exchange doesn’t work corretly. I uprade Spain player Juan Mata from 78 to 80 and exchange doesn’t to accept this plat as 80+ spain player.
any other bugs it there like a referee ball during game.. you have to restart the app 😒
admin says
From the Exchange page: “Training level cannot be inherited when performing an exchange. Please perform any necessary transfer before the exchange.”
So, Exchange is working properly. You need base elites, not trained ones.