A new challenge is approaching! FIFA Mobile 21: Squad Building Challenges are making their triumphant comeback! Build squads that meets the SBC’s unique requirements to earn great rewards!

Any players you use in the challenge are traded for rewards. Be sure to only use players you don’t want to keep.
Table of Contents
- SBC Tutorial
- Upgrades
- Nations
- Advanced
- Advanced SBC Solutions (Mane)
- League Kits
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
SBC Tutorial
You must complete 3 SBC Tutorial in order to unlock SBC.
SBC Tutorial | Requirement | Reward |
1 | 1 CM 60 Max Team OVR | 3 Silver Players |
2 | 3 Exact Players 65 Min OVR 75 Max Team OVR | 1 Gold Player |
3 | 3 Exact Players 3 Min Players in Position 1 Min English Players | 100 Skill Boosts |
Exchange your unneeded bronze/silver/gold/elite players for players of a higher quality here.
Upgrade | Requirement | Reward | Limit |
Bronze | 50 Min OVR 60 Max Team OVR 11 Exact Players | 3 Silver Players | x10/day |
Silver | 60 Min OVR 70 Max Team OVR 11 Exact Players | 1 Gold Player | x10/day |
Gold | 76 Min OVR 80 Max Team OVR 11 Exact Players | 1 Elite Player | x3/day |
Exchange players from the same nation for rewards. Once you’ve completed all 5 challenges you can claim a Global Hero Player.
These challenges will reset 1 week after claiming a Global Hero Player, allowing you to work towards another one.
Nation | Requirement | Reward |
England | 83 Min OVR 11 Exact Players 9 Min English Players 4 Max Leagues 2 Min Players from same Team 3 Min Players in Position | 500 Skill Boosts |
Italy | 83 Min OVR 11 Exact Players 9 Min Italian Players 4 Max Leagues 2 Min Players from same Team 3 Min Players in Position | 1M Coins |
Germany | 83 Min OVR 11 Exact Players 9 Min German Players 4 Max Leagues 2 Min Players from same Team 3 Min Players in Position | 500 Skill Boosts |
Spain | 83 Min OVR 11 Exact Players 9 Min Spanish Players 4 Max Leagues 2 Min Players from same Team 3 Min Players in Position | 1M Coins |
Any Nation | 83 Min OVR 11 Exact Players 9 Min Players from same Nation 4 Max Leagues 2 Min Players from same Team 3 Min Players in Position | 500 Skill Boosts |
Global Hero Players List :
- 89 ST Balotelli
- 89 CAM Fernandez
- 89 ST Hlozek
- 89 GK Khune
- 89 RW Daramy
- 89 CB Salem
Completing all 7 Advanced Challenges allow you to claim 99 OVR LM Sadio Mane.
SBC | Requirement | Reward |
1 | 72 Min Team OVR 11 Exact Players 5 Exact Teams 7 Min Nations 3 Mins Players in Position | 200 Skill Boosts |
2 | 78 Min Team OVR 11 Exact Players 4 Exact Nations 3 Min EPL Players 3 Min Ligue 1 Players 3 Min La Liga Players 2 Min MLS Players | 500,000 Coins |
3 | 81 Min Team OVR 11 Exact Players 11 Exact Base Players 5 Exact Leagues | 500 Skill Boosts |
4 | 84 Min Team OVR 11 Exact Players 11 Exact Nations 11 Exact Teams 7 Exact Players in Position | 1M Coins |
5 | 86 Min Team OVR 11 Exact Players 0 Max Base Players 2 Max Players from same Nation 2 Max Players from same Team | 1,000 Skill Boosts |
6 | 88 Min Team OVR 11 Exact Players 2 Exact Teams 5 Exact Base Players | 2M Coins |
7 | 11 Exact Master Players 5 Exact Nations 3 Max Players from same Nation 6 Max Teams | 2,000 Skill Boosts |
Advanced SBC Solutions (Mane)
Do you wanna get the cheapest Sadio Mane SBC solutions? Check out our Advanced SBC solutions below.
Advanced SBC 1 Solution
It’s pretty easy. You only need to find 11 players with a minimum 72 team OVR. The hardest part might be in the “5 Exact Teams” section.
For this solution, I used several players from Sporting CP, FC Porto and Genk. I use these players because they are the ones I have in my inventory. You can use players from other teams according to the inventory you have.

Advanced SBC 2 Solution
Coming soon…
Advanced SBC 3 Solution
Coming soon…
Advanced SBC 4 Solution
Coming soon…
Advanced SBC 5 Solution
Coming soon…
Advanced SBC 6 Solution
Coming soon…
Advanced SBC 7 Solution
Coming soon…
League Kits
Build squads from specific leagues to claim 25 skill boosts and a kit from that league. Any kits you have unlocked here or elsewhere cannot be unlocked more than once.
Requirements :
- 70 Min Team OVR
- 11 Min League Players
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
4 Exact Players means that you need 4 players in SBC. Not 5 players and not 3 players, but 4.
5 Exact Players means that you need 5 players in SBC. Not 6 players and not 4 players, but 5.
And so on..
4 Exact Teams means that you need 4 teams in SBC. Not 5 teams and not 3 teams, but 4.
5 Exact Teams means that you need 5 teams in SBC. Not 6 teams and not 4 teams, but 5.
And so on..
4 Exact Nations means that you need 4 nations in SBC. Not 5 nations and not 3 nations, but 4.
5 Exact Nations means that you need 5 nations in SBC. Not 6 nations and not 4 nations, but 5.
And so on..
4 Exact Leagues means that you need 4 leagues in SBC. Not 5 leagues and not 3 leagues, but 4.
5 Exact Leagues means that you need 5 leagues in SBC. Not 6 leagues and not 4 leagues, but 5.
And so on..
4 Exact Players in Position means that you need 4 Players in Position in SBC. Not 5 Players in Position and not 3 Players in Position, but 4. Players in Position are players who are placed on the SBC according to their position. For example, if an SBC requires GK, CB, RB, LB and CDM, then you must also use the players in the GK, CB, RB, LB and CDM positions, and put them in the SBC according to their position. You may not place CB in the GK position, CM in the CDM position, ST in the LB position, and so on.
Yes. Any players you use in the challenge are traded for rewards. Be sure to only use players you don’t want to keep.
You can’t. Any players you use in the SBC are traded for rewards.
Roham Hosseini says
Hi could I get the players I exchange for rewards back in fifa mobile sbc?
admin says
No, you can’t.
Parham says
I done 7 SBC with 4 million
In tots event
007 says
Hi what’s Master Players? Thanks
admin says
90+ OVR cards
jun says
Pls recommend 2 teams for Advance 6 which r the cheapest team
Shane says
I cat bass the abc 3. I don’t quite understand what’s a base player. Please help!
admin says
Base players are non-event players. Please look for them in the market for more details. Select “Program” then select the first option.
Danny says
Hi, well i did it with Real Madrid 3 base players and Man city 2 base players. Used 87 rating base players and i’ve compensated with 89 Foden Man city player and a couple of others to be 88 overall. Its not particularly cheap, but i just dont see any other option.
JOSH says
When will it come ??. Only tutorial is there. Can’t see other options.
Tony says
After the restart of the season, I completed the SBC tutorial but I can’t open SBCs afterwards and I don’t know why. Then I can’t play SBCs in that section. What’s the reason?
admin says
because SBC hasn’t been released yet, it’s just a tutorial.
Josi says
And when is the release of SBC?
Bobby says
Maksudnya apa ya kalau tantangan score a brace? Mohon penjelasan tentang maksud dari tantangan score a brace…
admin says
brace : a player scoring 2 goals
hattrick : a player scoring 3 goals
Rahul says
What does Min players in position meaan?
admin says
Minimum players in position. If 3, then 3 or more of your players must have in correct positions for SBC. eg: CM card on CM position, LB card on LB position, and so on.
Bobby says
Mau tanya gan, setelah program prospects, apakah masih ada program selanjutnya atau akan memasuki musim baru (2020/2021)???
admin says
biasanya ada Pre-Season gan
Bobby says
Setelah event FA cup, event nya apa ya?.. apakah udah ada bocoran event selanjutnya untuk server Indonesia??
Bobby says
Pada tantangan icon challenge, ada pilihan TOTW Starter Player, Apa yang dimaksud dengan TOTW starter player…? Saat saya cari di market, saya sudah filter pakai TOTW week player, namun tetap tidak bisa. gimana cara menemukan TOTW starter player nya?
admin says
Totw players terbagi dalam 2 kelompok, totw starter dan totw reserve. Silahkan cek di profil pemain tersebut sebelah kanan bawah, nanti ada keterangan starter/reserve nya.
Ilhan says
Are we gonna be able to sell Sancho after the event what do you think?
admin says
No, he is untradeable, so you can’t sell it.
Bobby says
Apakqh yang dimaksud pemain eliteserien pada icon challenge?
admin says
Liga Norwegia gan.. Cek dibagian liga, ada kok
Bobby says
Apa yang dimaksud row player, pada icon challenge?
admin says
Rest of World
Ron says
This event is a fraud! I lost all my players for something that ain’t no worth a 90 OVR! What kind of a deal is this!
Adithya says
When does the SBC event ends is it this month or ends at may?
admin says
I believe these SBCs will exist until the end of the season.
Cswin85 says
What means base player?
admin says
Non-event players
Fatoskas says
Howbto claim maldini
Patrice Robert says
Salut pour faire ‘avançé 7’ ca vaut tu plus la peine de prendre un 90 gen en partant ou d’acheter des 89gen et les upgrader ?
Lentini says
Hi guys!
I have a question. It is related on Icons SBC. Will i lose my players as well when i playing Icons challenges, just like in SBC. Is that players trade for icons reward again?
Thanks in advance!
admin says
Yes, the challenges are similar to SBCs.
Silent_Killer says
You will lose your players
Benaldo says
Advanced: I am stuck in Challenge 6, I don’t have enough avg 88 players, nor from just two teams.
Challenge 7 is impossible for me, without buying in the shop.
I regret that I tried or did not looked up the requirements before!
It is very often the same, the top players are not the reach within purchasing at the shop.
Shane Lee says
I went with PSG and Inter MIlan. Cost Me around 6M and after I got the rewards the costing went down to 4M.
GaryAce says
Who are the Masters players for SBC 7?
admin says
90+ OVR Players
Richie says
Can these players be upgraded from Elite to Master?
admin says
Yes, they can
Gary says
DG says
Is doing the premium elite upgrade worth it. I mean can it spur a good amount of coins
admin says
It’s not worth it, because the prices of premium elites are low at this moment.
Patrice Robert says
Salut pour faire ‘avançé 7’ ca vaut tu plus la peine de prendre un 90 gen en partant ou d’acheter des 89gen et les upgrader ?
Oscar says
It’s a Fraud! I lost 11 good players only for 1 players. I don’t understand who can think this is a good deal!
admin says
If it’s a fraud then why did you do it?
Oscar says
Because i don’t understand exactly what it is before. And after was late.
Krishay says
I have Sancho and he is definitely worth it, doesnt miss a finesse even with full shot power. Max Sprint speed, Max dribbling, Almost maxed out Shot power, Maxed out Finishing. Of course he is worth it. It does not matter how many good players u sacrifice, its about how much u spend for the entire event. I spent only 13 Million. Sancho is the NON PRIME Version of Prime Zidane!
There are so many bad players in the market for more than 15 million. Example: Carniball Adama Traore was worth 35 million but TOTS Adama troare is so much better at just 88 OVR. Try sniping Non-Tots players as soon as a TOTSSF League gets launched.
Newbie says
What mean 3 exact player, in sbc tutorial ???
That in one team or nation ?
Please help .,.
admin says
3 exact players mean you have to use 3 players, no more and no less. For team or nation, you can check other requirements. For sbc tutorial, there are no teams or nation requirements.
ahmed ashraf says
when will the icons come in the SBC event
i heard that there will be icons in it
admin says
EA said this month, so maybe in a week
Dimark says
Do you know how many time will Sancho be available in this event?
admin says
There’s no expired time on his SBC so I guess he will available until the end of the season
Dimark says
Thank you very much!
Vladimir says
Why I can have 1/1 exact player condition but check is still disabled ?
What are requirements to be met?
admin says
There is no 1/1 exact player requirement on these SBCs
Abhijit Salunkhe says
When this sbc will end??
admin says
There’s no expire time on the SBC so I guess it will available until the end of the season
Shouvik Das says
In The League Kits Tab
We Have Every Other Leagues Clubs From Which We Can Get Their Kit
But Why Hero ISL Club Kits ard not their?
Why Hero ISL Does Not Included In League Kits Tab Of SBC?
Any Update when it will appear?
admin says
At the moment, there’s no news about that.
Hoffmann R. says
I have a question. What does „exact team“ in the advanced squad building challenges mean? Thanks for an answer.
Ken says
What does the base player mean?
In the advanced 6, I tried to use base players like hotspurs 86 GK Loris, hotspurs 87 ST Kane, It doesn’t count as a base player. Why is that?
Is it my mere misunderstanding or your bug?
admin says
That’s a bug, but not my bug lol
check here https://twitter.com/EAFIFAMOBILE/status/1240779274455404546
Ken says
Whoops, I thought this was official one.
Anyway, thanks for your comment.
Nb says
What is 5 exact teams, is it that we have to make players from 5 teams only ?
admin says
Yes, no more no less.
Nb says
What is 5 exact teams
admin says
Use 5 teams, no more no leas.
Shaiakash says
Richard Groeling says
I did this for the exact players and it will not flip it too green and checkmark it.
admin says
Please screenshot your SBC here, maybe we can help.
Grzes says
What is 0/3 players in position?
admin says
You need 3 Players in position. E.g: if the formation 442 flat, then having 3 players on GK, CB, LB, RB, RM, LM, CM or ST positions will do the trick.
Badea says
but legends will get stuck
David says
The advanced 6 is really hard to do cuz you need players from only 2 teams… Any tips or approximately how much coins is needed for this SBC?
admin says
Yes, that is the most difficult. Possibly the cheapest clubs to complete this SBC: Tottenham Hotspurs, PSG, Atletico Madrid and Borussia Dortmund.
Krishay says
I finished the 6th SBC with only 2 million, I used teams from Manchester City and PSG
Rahmane says
Can you show us some of the easiest/cheapest way to complete the sancho one?
admin says
Prices in the market move up and down, so it is difficult to determine the lowest price.
Shreejit says
What is exact players?
admin says
The number of players/cards required for the challenge.
Jdurr says
I don’t understand what the exact player requirement means?
admin says
3 Exact Players -> you need only 3 players on challenge
11 Exact Players -> you need 11 players on challenge, so full squad
Josipher Wallé says
Hello Hello,
Can you give an example of the 3 exact players?
admin says
Lingardinho, Lingardini, Lingardo
Azhar Hassan says
What is meant by Exact Nations? or what is the difference between Exact Nations or Players from same Nation?
admin says
Exact Nations : The number of nations required for the challenge.
E.g : 3 Exact Nations, then you can use players from only three nations, such as England – Italy – France. Or Spanish – Swiss – Danish, and so on. We are free to choose the nations, as long as the amount is 3. It cannot be less or more.
Players from same Nation : This seems clear enough. This is the min/max number of players from the same nation.
Jay says
Do u think it is worth exchanging 11 players for not so good rewards?
admin says
I don’t think so, unless you really want Sancho in the squad, or you are building a bundesliga squad. But advanced SBC 1 (for skill boosts) is worth it.
Bobby says
Mengapa saya tidak bisa menggunakan fitur chat, pada league dan tournament?